What your soul wants (more than anything)

  What would your soul say if you asked her what she wanted? (if you are uncomfortable about using the word soul – just think about the part of you that wants you to be unashamedly & vibrantly you) Would she care about that thing that is stressing you out right now? Would she want…

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The Jade EGG – a woman’s best friend

The Jade Egg is renowned for its ability to stimulate sexual energy, increase vaginal sensitivity, and strengthen and improve pelvic floor. What is it? It is a smooth egg shaped jade crystal (with a tiny hole for string) that you insert into your vagina and leave in while you sleep, move or create. Personally, I…

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Pray with your heart

intimacy kineisology Brisbane

Pray with your heart     Prayer is powerful.   It is a beautiful way to connect right on in with the higher self, with your desires and with that presence or energy matrix that underlies all of creation – call it God, the attractor field, the matrix or the unified field.   But it…

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How I kept my cool with my man

How I kept my cool with my misbehaving, hairy man. The 2 things that dissolved my angst.   After having held one of my Sensual Soul Workshops one Saturday, I was heading home feeling light, soft, present and open – in essence sensual. I had just spent the day with a group of gorgeous courageous souls and…

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From Eughh to empowered

Kinesiology Brisbane

From Eughhh to Empowered Just a few short years ago I was flat, tired and had no desire Eughhh Do you know this feeling? You might be stuck there or maybe you have just visited this space form time to time. I have found that when you are not tapped into your sensual energy, you…

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How can I convince you that you’re beautiful?

kinesiology Brisbane

This letter is to you Hello lovely one, You don’t know you are beautiful……………………………..And I can’t quite believe it. You look it, you radiate it, you act it. But you don’t feel it. And beauty is a feeling. For too long you have been afraid of thinking that this packaging for this soul, in this…

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What are you ready to believe about yourself?

What are you ready to believe?

A new year. Fresh energy. A potent time to get your powers of manifestation working for you and to switch into some more uplifting belief systems. Your powers of manifestations are a direct response to what you believe about yourself. So let’s put it out there and start to seed a shift in the realm…

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Heart feeling – heart healing

Nicole Mathieson kinesiology

When you can trust your heart to feel – You are free.   Your heart is an incredible {lady} organ. She effortlessly finds her own rhythm to bring life force and love to every one of your 3 trillion cells without you even thinking about it – for your whole life. She emits an electro…

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Passion or a chocolate brownie. What a choice!


This chocolate brownie may look like an innocent afternoon snack to you. Well it is…..and it isn’t. This little brownie or one of its kin tempted me on Sunday afternoon. I ate it. I don’t usually eat much sugar these days. So little that I have been desensitised to it. My system is just not ready for…

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Intimacy & stillness freak me out

intimacy kineisology Brisbane

To be comfortable in intimacy is to appreciate myself. When I was younger intimacy scared the Be-geezers out of me. I was the classic Leo; an extrovert with a self-interested ego. It was all about having fun & fitting in with the crowd. But when the lights came on and the crowds parted and I was left…

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