5 ways to call in support

  Do you have adequate support?   I am guessing that the answer may well be no. Life is moving at such a rapid rate these days, we are busy beyond compare and often need to keep numerous balls in the air for long periods of time. It can be overwhelming to say the least.…

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Don’t be afraid of your fear

  You have fear. Worry. Angst. I know. I have it too. And you know what, that’s life. You are not going to get rid of it. You are human. And humans are hard wired to feel fear. Fear kept your ancestors alive and we have evolved into highly tuned fearful beings. As Elizabeth Gilbert says…

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Am I a spiritual failure?

Have you been on a spiritual journey for a while? Many of us have. And often after years of self-help books, healing sessions and meditation, we can still feel as if we are at the bottom of a very large mountain. It’s a humbling journey in that way. But I have found that we can be looking for…

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How can I actually enjoy this holiday?

I have done all the planning, Counted down the days, Packed my bags, and done every last thing on my to-do list (well nearly), Now the only thing left for me is….. to enjoy it. So how DO I actually enjoy this holiday? This trip is something I have been looking forward to for a very…

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What your soul wants (more than anything)

  What would your soul say if you asked her what she wanted? (if you are uncomfortable about using the word soul – just think about the part of you that wants you to be unashamedly & vibrantly you) Would she care about that thing that is stressing you out right now? Would she want…

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Energy refuel

We are, as women, naturally aware of others. We nurture, we give and we care. This is how we are. And it is really kind of beautiful. This natural disposition of ours works really well most of the time. But what I see as I help women recover their lust for life, is that the…

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Pleasure is Love

  “Why do I need pleasure?” you ask “Why not just go for coping or peaceful or something a bit less hedonistic. Isn’t pleasure a bit extreme?” My answer is no . I am talking about the pleasure that has the other name of love. I am talking about your power to increase your own inner circulation of…

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The Jade EGG – a woman’s best friend

The Jade Egg is renowned for its ability to stimulate sexual energy, increase vaginal sensitivity, and strengthen and improve pelvic floor. What is it? It is a smooth egg shaped jade crystal (with a tiny hole for string) that you insert into your vagina and leave in while you sleep, move or create. Personally, I…

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Pray with your heart

intimacy kineisology Brisbane

Pray with your heart     Prayer is powerful.   It is a beautiful way to connect right on in with the higher self, with your desires and with that presence or energy matrix that underlies all of creation – call it God, the attractor field, the matrix or the unified field.   But it…

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How I kept my cool with my man

How I kept my cool with my misbehaving, hairy man. The 2 things that dissolved my angst.   After having held one of my Sensual Soul Workshops one Saturday, I was heading home feeling light, soft, present and open – in essence sensual. I had just spent the day with a group of gorgeous courageous souls and…

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