Why can’t he just do things the right way?

I should have felt annoyed. It was Saturday evening.  I arrived home after holding my Sensual Soul Workshop and I was feeling great; light, soft, present and open……. in essence sensual. I had spent the day with a group of women letting go of our need to be perfect and welcoming our more natural, honest…

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Don’t be afraid of your fear

  You have fear. Worry. Angst. I know. I have it too. And you know what, that’s life. You are not going to get rid of it. You are human. And humans are hard wired to feel fear. Fear kept your ancestors alive and we have evolved into highly tuned fearful beings. As Elizabeth Gilbert says…

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5 heart lessons from my holiday

I am just back from a 3 month holiday in France and the UK. My trip was a beautiful opportunity for me to give myself a break. A break in which I could truly be present with my kids, husband and most of all myself. The spaciousness of this time felt so pleasurable in my…

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Am I a spiritual failure?

Have you been on a spiritual journey for a while? Many of us have. And often after years of self-help books, healing sessions and meditation, we can still feel as if we are at the bottom of a very large mountain. It’s a humbling journey in that way. But I have found that we can be looking for…

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Energy refuel

We are, as women, naturally aware of others. We nurture, we give and we care. This is how we are. And it is really kind of beautiful. This natural disposition of ours works really well most of the time. But what I see as I help women recover their lust for life, is that the…

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How I kept my cool with my man

How I kept my cool with my misbehaving, hairy man. The 2 things that dissolved my angst.   After having held one of my Sensual Soul Workshops one Saturday, I was heading home feeling light, soft, present and open – in essence sensual. I had just spent the day with a group of gorgeous courageous souls and…

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Intimacy & stillness freak me out

intimacy kineisology Brisbane

To be comfortable in intimacy is to appreciate myself. When I was younger intimacy scared the Be-geezers out of me. I was the classic Leo; an extrovert with a self-interested ego. It was all about having fun & fitting in with the crowd. But when the lights came on and the crowds parted and I was left…

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Do you feel like damaged goods?

Do you feel like damaged goods because you have a painful history? I have so many clients who think of themselves as ruined or damaged. They can’t imagine that this darkness could be anything other than shameful, something to hide, or to have to admit only when you know someone well enough not to scare…

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What is your favourite excuse?

What is your favourite excuse for holding yourself back from relaxing in to contentment and joy? Letting ourselves slip in to joy means opening ourselves up and allowing what is. This is not a modus operandi that we are comfortable in. We are much better at making stuff happen, being the action, doing the work…

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Are you afraid of pleasure?

Are you afraid of pleasure?

I know, that question sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? Of course I am not afraid of pleasure. Of course I want pleasure. Right? Well yes and no. Yes – we all want it and crave it. It is part of our seeking system – our natural instincts, and that yearning underlies all of our behaviour no…

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