My partner has sex tantrums. What do I do?

Understanding sex tantrums in relationships Does your partner have sex tantrums? They might exhibit signs of frustration, anger, or distance when they are not satisfied sexually? If so, you’re not alone. As a couple therapist, I often come across this phenomenon in couples seeking therapy. For men, this issue seems to often be significant enough…

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Honey, this is why we are not being intimate

A letter to your husband with the reason we are not being intimate aka: having (much) sex. Read or listen below. Hello honey, I just wanted to write and let you know a few things that I have been pondering about our sex life. Firstly, I just wanted to acknowledge you. I know that our…

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Revive your sex life – get off the orgasm train

If you want to revive your sex life….forget about orgasm & get off the orgasm train. I had a revelation recently, it was that the western culture of sexuality really didn’t suit me. In fact, I am pretty sure it doesn’t suit a lot of us. What I am talking about is our sexual narrative…

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Why can’t he just do things the right way?

I should have felt annoyed. It was Saturday evening.  I arrived home after holding my Sensual Soul Workshop and I was feeling great; light, soft, present and open……. in essence sensual. I had spent the day with a group of women letting go of our need to be perfect and welcoming our more natural, honest…

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How can I learn to let love in?

Let love in

Love takes a great deal of courage. When I was a very young adult, I thought all I wanted was love and I searched for it in nightclubs. Inside I felt unsure of myself {to put it mildly}. I felt unattractive / unloveable. One night in a nightclub, I found someone who was really into…

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Why am I so mean to the one I love?

Why am I such a bitch to the one I love?

You thought you were the only one who was mean to their beloved. I’m afraid not. you are in good company. The ones we love the most, cop it the most. I mean, it makes a lot of sense on so may levels. But sometimes we get stuck there in bitch mode, festering away without…

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The Jade EGG – a woman’s best friend

The Jade Egg is renowned for its ability to stimulate sexual energy, increase vaginal sensitivity, and strengthen and improve pelvic floor. What is it? It is a smooth egg shaped jade crystal (with a tiny hole for string) that you insert into your vagina and leave in while you sleep, move or create. Personally, I…

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How I kept my cool with my man

How I kept my cool with my misbehaving, hairy man. The 2 things that dissolved my angst.   After having held one of my Sensual Soul Workshops one Saturday, I was heading home feeling light, soft, present and open – in essence sensual. I had just spent the day with a group of gorgeous courageous souls and…

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