Pleasure is Love

  “Why do I need pleasure?” you ask “Why not just go for coping or peaceful or something a bit less hedonistic. Isn’t pleasure a bit extreme?” My answer is no . I am talking about the pleasure that has the other name of love. I am talking about your power to increase your own inner circulation of…

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What is your favourite excuse?

What is your favourite excuse for holding yourself back from relaxing in to contentment and joy? Letting ourselves slip in to joy means opening ourselves up and allowing what is. This is not a modus operandi that we are comfortable in. We are much better at making stuff happen, being the action, doing the work…

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Are you afraid of pleasure?

Are you afraid of pleasure?

I know, that question sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? Of course I am not afraid of pleasure. Of course I want pleasure. Right? Well yes and no. Yes – we all want it and crave it. It is part of our seeking system – our natural instincts, and that yearning underlies all of our behaviour no…

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