Self-love tips part four: Love that you are unique

Part Four of my self-love tips: Love that you are unique.   Spend today treating yourself like your best friend on her birthday. Love that she is unique   She is not the same as everyone else. She sees things differently. Her desires are just so unexpected. She views situations in ways that you would…

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Love you. Love your loves

Love you.

Love that you are unique   You are different. I mean let’s face it. You always have been. At times it has been really hard to conform. Your neighbours do things quite differently to the way you do them. You have different beliefs to others in your family. You uphold things that are aligned with…

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Anxious Kids – here are my do’s and don’ts

I have a child who gets anxious. He gets really worried about stuff and sometimes totally loses control to stress. I wonder how he became so anxious. We have provided a safe, stable and loving environment here for him – so why is he anxious? Sometimes this even feels like guilt, like it must have…

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